Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sarai's favorite T.V show..

It's ironic that Sarai's favorite tv show is a game show and not a cartoon. But it is not at all surprising. While Keith and I were living in California watching wheel of fortune was like a family tradition, we never missed a night. While i was pregnant it continued to be a part of that tradition. We even got brian into watching the show, we would see who could solve the puzzle first (jeopardy was another favorite). So after sarai was born of course we continued watching the show. Now wheel of fortune is the only show that she will sit still with for longer than 5 minutes. Sometimes she will sit still for my friends tigger and pooh or the doodlebops but usually it is for a minute tops. The video is a little long and its shot at a weird angle because i had to hide behind the sofa to film her, otherwise she would start crying and get distracted.


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